The waterfall at our neighborhood pool.
Cole taking another snack break instead of swimming.
Carter jumping into Joanna's pool.
Cole at the Splash Pad.
Carter petting Fudge and riding Trigger (Awbrey's pony and horse) at Joanna's ranch.
And we do spend plenty of time indoors. We're making crafts, coloring, playing blocks, going to the library, watching magic shows, playing with friends, and of course we watch our fair share of movies. Check out our indoor fun photos ...
Reading a Bugsby book with Grandma. Cole insisted he hold the tool and point out things. Carter just laughs along, as usual.
Cole loves to play peek-a-boo. Here he is in Carter's bed.
Carter loves to play dress up. Unfortunately, the only costumes we have are 3 left over Halloween costumes. The rooster, Handy Manny, and a King. I need to get some more play clothes for him. I hope remember after this Halloween and get them on sale.
And again, Carter laughing along. They really do crack each other up. This is such a fun stage. They laugh so hard they give each other the hiccups.
Big tower of blocks. I'm surprised Cole hadn't come knock it down yet.
A picture of the garden of flowers we made with egg cartons, popsicle sticks and muffin liners. We sent a picture to Uncle Matt and Aunt Alli to celebrate their 5th anniversary.

Cole cracked me up the other night. We had dinner and went outside so Brian and Carter could mow the lawn. Cole came in and crawled up on the chair, stood up and started shoveling handfuls of beans in his mouth. He's getting better at using a spoon. He's good with a fork, as sometimes he dumps out whats in his spoon. It's adorable. Messy. But adorable.
Carter is learning how to color in the lines. And Cole is learning how to just put crayons on paper. We color alot and I'm really noticing a difference in Carter's capabilities. Right now he's in a line phase. He draws lines everywhere.
I saw this photo op and took it. He looks so funny to me. He loves trying to play t-ball like Carter. But here he has the bat in his hands and a sucker in his mouth
Here is a picture of Cole at his first movie. Well, technically second movie. I took him in a sling when he was 3 weeks old to see a movie with a friend. He really enjoyed this one, we saw Shrek 4. He also enjoyed the ginormous bucket of popcorn.

And here is Carter at his first 3D movie. Mine too actually. Mom and I took him to see How to Train Your Dragon. We liked it. A little dark and over his head, but we had a good time. Again, the popcorn helped :)
I didn't realize how far behind on posting pictures I was. Mom and Dad threw a 30th surprise party for Matthew a couple weeks ago. He and Alli came in town and we had a ball. Here he is with two of his nephews. Jake and Carter.
And now to even show how long it's been. Here's a picture of Brian, the boys and Becky from Mother's Day. Shame on me! I promise to get better.
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