Saturday, August 30, 2008

Half way

Yep - I'm already 20 weeks along with this pregnancy, so technically half way. Brian has been feeling him move alot lately, which is funny because I barely do. I guess I'm just too busy all day to settle down and feel the kicks and punches. I'm feeling really well and quite thankful for that.

While Carter doesn't realize yet that Mommy is having a baby, he definitely has the baby fever. He's been more excited to play with his friends' little brothers and sisters instead of his friends. It's pretty cute.

Another cute thing he has started to do is take books into his play tent in the playroom and read by himself. I was keeping him company the other afternoon in the playroom (while reading a baby magazine). He ran up to me and yelled "Mommy! Mommy!" and snatched my magazine and proceeded to read it himself. I guess he likes all the pictures of babies, that, or he really likes pretending to be Mommy. Here are a couple pictures ...

Monday, August 25, 2008

It's a boy!

So you've all probably heard by now that we are having another little boy. We are so thrilled - Carter has been an absolute dream so two will be twice as nice as they say. Here are some pictures from the ultrasound today. Don't feel bad if you can't tell what it is, it takes a trained eye sometimes :)

Here is a picture of the head, belly and arm flying around.

This is supposed to the "male parts" as I call them. But it's hard to tell in the picture. The tech was quite sure this is definitely a boy, no doubt about it.

This is a leg. It's bent and the big white line is a big strong thigh bone.

And lastly, here is a video of the baby in motion, it's easier to see what things are when they are moving instead of just a freeze framed picture ...

Friday, August 22, 2008

First Post!

So, I hear I'm late to the blogging world and its the best new form of communication. Not sure I'd call it communication - since I do all the talking. But I guess, that's no different then most of my conversations. Anyhow! I'm going to hopefully post weekly and maybe even more frequently. We'll see. Here goes nothing ...

The other day Carter got into one of my drawers and pulled out the potholder. It took him two seconds to figure out what that was for. He put it on his hand and subsequently opened the (cold) oven. Too cute. Check it out ...