Beware, don't read/view this post unless you're prepared to scroll through many many photos. Easter always brings many photo ops and when you have two kids, those opportunities multiply two fold.
Last weekend we went to my friend Joanna's place for the Annual Rancho Alvarado Easter Egg Hunt. The boys had a great time. Carter found one of the special golden eggs and received a prize bag full of bubbles. He was proud. Cole learned how to find eggs and put them in his basket, he got some much needed practice for the "real deal" on Easter when he'd be up against Carter head-to-head. And as usual, they also enjoyed jumping on the trampoline, swinging and playing with all their friends. Here are the first dozen or so pictures ...

Most of the kids before the start of the egg hunt.

Carter liked the Easter bunny. Cole, not so much.

Attempt at a family photo. We all never cooperate. Brian regretted not bringing his sunglasses.

Here is Cole putting eggs in his basket.

Carter looks so grown up in this picture. I'm not sure if it's the big clothes or what, but he looks huge to me!

Cole (just like Carter) liked climbing in the riding mower.

Cole wanted swing like the big kids were.

Carter and Luke really enjoyed the double swing.

It was a long day, Carter and Daddy were pooped out. But gave me one last smiley picture.
Well all that was just the prelude to the actual Easter weekend. Here are photos from Easter.
Carter dying his eggs.
And I'll end the post with some random photos from the past week. I know Carter has done a Mr. Potato family before, but he got some new accessories during Christmas and decided to make an updated family. I thought it was cute that he gave himself the muscle man arms and gave Brian the floaties for swimming. Too cute.
Ever wonder why Cole has bumps on his head? Good this be why? Actually, he's doing the right thing here by crawling out instead of just haphazardly running out.
And here are a couple photos of Cole playing with some balls in the hallway.
That concludes the picture show. I'm sure there are some funny stories or one-liners from Carter, but I just can't remember anything right now. Uploading all these pictures took it out of me. So maybe I'll blog again this week.
Last weekend we went to my friend Joanna's place for the Annual Rancho Alvarado Easter Egg Hunt. The boys had a great time. Carter found one of the special golden eggs and received a prize bag full of bubbles. He was proud. Cole learned how to find eggs and put them in his basket, he got some much needed practice for the "real deal" on Easter when he'd be up against Carter head-to-head. And as usual, they also enjoyed jumping on the trampoline, swinging and playing with all their friends. Here are the first dozen or so pictures ...
Most of the kids before the start of the egg hunt.
Carter liked the Easter bunny. Cole, not so much.
Attempt at a family photo. We all never cooperate. Brian regretted not bringing his sunglasses.
Here is Cole putting eggs in his basket.
Carter looks so grown up in this picture. I'm not sure if it's the big clothes or what, but he looks huge to me!
Cole (just like Carter) liked climbing in the riding mower.
Cole wanted swing like the big kids were.
Carter and Luke really enjoyed the double swing.
It was a long day, Carter and Daddy were pooped out. But gave me one last smiley picture.
Well all that was just the prelude to the actual Easter weekend. Here are photos from Easter.
Carter dying his eggs.
Carter ran to the front porch to see what the Easter Bunny had left in his basket. Grandma and Grandpa had also brought him and Cole Easter baskets. Or should I say Easter buckets. The first thing he saw was his new Chipmunks the Squeakwel DVD. He was excited about that.
Here he is looking at the little water frogs that Grandma and Grandpa gave him. They actually require hardly any care, thankfully. He likes to poke at the glass, we're working on that.
Half of the eggs the Easter Bunny hid were confetti eggs. Carter loved putting them on everyone's head.
But most of all, he loved putting them on his OWN head. I'm not sure why, but he did.
And Carter returned the favor
And I'll end the post with some random photos from the past week. I know Carter has done a Mr. Potato family before, but he got some new accessories during Christmas and decided to make an updated family. I thought it was cute that he gave himself the muscle man arms and gave Brian the floaties for swimming. Too cute.
Ever wonder why Cole has bumps on his head? Good this be why? Actually, he's doing the right thing here by crawling out instead of just haphazardly running out.
I like this picture because Carter is so excited that his mouth is SO wide you can actually see those tonsils. He's funny.
That concludes the picture show. I'm sure there are some funny stories or one-liners from Carter, but I just can't remember anything right now. Uploading all these pictures took it out of me. So maybe I'll blog again this week.
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