Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Adventures in Baby Food

Cole is starting to get the hang of eating baby food. Some things are more successful than others. He's a banana addict, so when all else fails I can shovel in some of those. But he also likes sweet potatoes and peas. Funny though, pears and apples aren't all that tasty to him. Maybe it's the watery consistency. I'll keep trying. I refuse to have a picky eater. Carter is a fabulous eater. In fact, he's only told me once that he doesn't like something. It was a month or so ago and we were out of lunch meat for a sandwich so I made a PB&J. Carter got up on his barstool and said "Mommy, I don't like peanut butter. I don't want peanut butter. I want a turkey sandwich." I told him we were out and that he could have a mustard and cheese sandwich or a PB&J. He opted for the meatless sandwich. I was shocked. Who eats a mustard and cheese sandwich . Oh and by the way, he prefers the spicy brown mustard over yellow. My kid loves flavor!

Anyhow, back to Cole's experiment with baby food. Here are some pictures and videos of our new journey into eating solid food ...

Peas - why did I not put a bib on this child

Prunes - went shirtless as I knew this one would be a mess

Bananas - look at this little eating machine.

Cole thought I wasn't feeding him fast enough, so he's gonna take matters into his own hands.

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