From left to right - Bella, Luke, Emma, Awbrey and of course, Carter. Caroline and Claire (the infants) weren't in the group shot, we figured we were pushing it with 5 kids already :)
Here they are all stripped down to diapers and painting pumpkins, they had a great time until a bumble bee decided to join in on the fun. It particularly liked Carter, though it never bit him. Carter looks at the pictures of him painting and all he says is "BEE!"
Then in the evening, Mom and Dad came over and gave him a big bag of candy, stickers and musical frog that only sings one song - which of course Carter loves to hear. Something tells me it'll be Christmas and I'll still be hearing "I wonder what'll happen when the witch comes back ..." Anyone else think the lollipop stick hanging out of his mouth actually helps out the costume a little :)
Our friends across the street came over with their little ones, Gwyn and Jacob, for a couple pictures of the kiddos together. Gwyn was a lion and Jacob was a clown, cute bit of info - that was the same costume his daddy wore when he was 2. It made me think - I really need to make Carter a clown next year (or the next boy) before he gets too old to refuse.
Then we went out to dinner and came back for some trick-or-treating. We actually only went to one house because Carter enjoyed passing out candy much more than getting it. He just stood at the door and waited until the next group showed up. It was so cute. We had lots of trick-or-treaters this year. Thanks to my Mom, we had just enough. She gave me most of her stash earlier in the day. Word must have gotten out that we had the good stuff at our house. You can tell from this picture, that the bag is pretty much gone. And oh, yes, that's Shiner trying to escape at every ring of the doorbell. Apparently we didn't notice he was gone before bed time and spent the night on the front porch. Serves him right!

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